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Temporary Adoption of a Four-Year Catalog (2022-2026)


Between 2019 and 2022, Cal Poly operated on a quarter-based one-year catalog cycle, in which proposals for catalog edits were submitted to the Office of the Registrar and the Academic Senate Curricular Committee in June, and edits became effective during the subsequent summer.  (E.g., proposals submitted in June 2021 became effective with the Summer 2022 quarter, the first term covered by the 2022-2023 catalog).

Cal Poly will convert to a semester-based schedule as of Fall 2026 in response to a mandate from the CSU Chancellor’s Office.  Because the conversion of the existing catalog to the semester system will require a significant investment of faculty and staff time, and simultaneously continuing the regular process of one-year Catalog review would have placed excessive demands on curricular staff and committees at all levels of review, the Academic Senate therefore approved a four-year catalog to take effect during the final four years of Cal Poly’s quarter-based curriculum (2022-2026).  This resolution will expire in Fall 2026, returning Cal Poly at that time to a one-year cycle of catalog review.

Policy on Converting to a Four-Year Catalog until the Implementation of the Semester-based Catalog

In order to complete development and full review of the 2026-2027 semester-based Catalog by the end of the Winter 2025 quarter, out-of-cycle edits will only be considered for the 2022-26 Catalog for the following reasons, and with deadlines determined by the Office of the Registrar, in consultation with the Academic Senate Curriculum Committee, General Education Governance Board, and United States Cultural Pluralism Committee (as appropriate):

  1. adding virtual modalities to existing courses,
  2. relaxing prerequisites for existing courses,
  3. proposing new courses (except for new GE courses) intended to serve as additional electives or blanket substitutions within existing programs, and
  4. recertifying GE and USCP courses.


Academic Senate Resolution: AS-947-22 “Resolution on Temporary Adoption of a 4-Year Catalog During Quarter-to-Semester Conversion” (PDF). Adopted 24 June 2022, augments AS-930-22.

Updated: 11/20/2023

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