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Cal Poly Universities Unveil Rendering of 2017 Tournament of Roses Parade Float, ‘A New Leaf’

SAN LUIS OBISPO — Cal Poly Rose Float has announced the 2017 Cal Poly universities’ Tournament of Roses Parade float, “A New Leaf.”

It was completely designed and is already under construction by students from Cal Poly and their counterparts at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona.

“A New Leaf” features an animated family of chameleons exploring the wonders of a vibrantly colorful world. It will be the only student-built float in the upcoming New Year’s Day classic, which is being held a day later — Monday, Jan. 2, 2017 — because of the parade’s “Never on a Sunday” policy.

“Echoes of Success” is the 2017 parade theme. It is a celebration for those people — family, friends and teachers — institutions and organizations that help in the success of others. It focuses on how character is developed through the selfless contributions of others and celebrates their inspirational gifts.

The Cal Poly Rose Float has been invited to participate in the New Year’s Day parade for 69 consecutive years.

The universities’ Learn By Doing ethos is exemplified in all facets of the program, as students get hands-on experience turning their concepts into creations. The effort brings together students from all disciplines and backgrounds who do the welding, metal shaping, machining, foam carving, woodworking, painting and flower harvesting in a unique experience.

In the process, students compete against professional float builders and over the years have garnered scores of awards while showcasing their work to a vast international television audience. In 2015 and 2016, the Cal Poly entry received the Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy for the most beautiful non-commercial entry.

Construction is in full swing on both campuses and will continue until mid-October, when both halves are united on the Pomona campus.

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