The IRA Advisory Committee (IRAAC)
The primary function of the IRA Advisory Committee is to advise the President regarding the allocation of IRA Fee revenues. In addition, the IRAAC ensures that:
- IRA groups focus on learning outcomes
- Program accountability and assessment are incorporated into the IRA groups' activities
- IRA groups' activities are consistent with departmental and college/division priorities
- IRA fee revenues are allocated in a manner that supports the University's goals
- Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Planning, or designee - Co-Chair
- ASI President - Co-Chair
- Three additional students, nominated by the ASI President in consultation with chairs of Student Councils (or equivalent) in all seven colleges
- Vice President for Student Affairs, or designee
- Vice President for University Advancement, or designee
- Academic Senate Curriculum Committee Chair, or designee
- Vice President for Administration and Finance, or designee (non voting)
*The IRAAC may utilize staff as needed to ensure proper liaison function and support
The chair will call all meetings so as to meet the program planning and process calendar.