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A grade may be changed for the purpose of correcting clerical or administrative error, or to correct an error in the calculation or recording of a grade. A change of grade shall not occur as a result of additional work performed or re-examination beyond the established course requirements.

Grading Terms

  • Grading Symbols are explained on the Office of the Registrar's website.
  • Earned Hours are all hours for which credit was earned (excludes grades of F, WU, and NC).
  • Quality Hours carry grade point value (excludes CR and NC).
  • Quality Points are awarded for each course unit and are determined by multiplying course unit by the quality point value of the grade.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by dividing Quality Points by Quality Hours. Additional information from the Office of the Registrar on GPA calculation.
  • Higher Education GPA is the grade point average of all college level work.
  • Transcripts are the official record of academic history. Once a degree has been posted, subsequent revision and alteration of any transcript entry is permitted only for correction of proven error as certified by the appropriate academic dean and the Registrar. No changes will be made to the academic record after 60 days following the posting of the degree.

Academic Senate Resolution on Grade Appeals AS/548-00/FB - Fairness Board (PDF)

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