In response to California State University Executive Order 1064, Cal Poly follows the following policy on internships. As part of Cal Poly's Learn By Doing philosophy, internships are a significant part of students' learning experience.
1. Definition of an Internship
An internship is an educational experience that formally integrates the student's academic study with practical experience in a cooperating organization. It is an off-campus activity for which a student receives academic credit. It is designed to serve educational purposes by offering experience in a service learning, business, non-profit, or government setting. An internship site is the organization at which the internship takes place.
2. Scope of this Policy
This policy does not apply to teacher preparation placements or clinical placements, such as counseling, physical therapy, or occupational therapy. In some colleges and programs, internships are also referred to as cooperative education (co-ops).* This policy does not apply to educationally related experiences that do not receive academic credit, such as summer employment related to a student's academic program. This policy does not apply to on-campus or off-campus activities that are part of an existing academic course (see AS-767-13 "Resolution on Cal Poly Field Trip Policy," approved 11 July 2013).
* APP Note: internship and cooperative education are distinct formats; the university has a separate policy here to govern the latter.
3. Responsibilities of the Department
a. Establish academic policies for establishing an internship.
b. Establish criteria for awarding academic credit.
c. Establish policies for student compensation, if applicable.
d. Ensure that students sign the following forms developed by Risk Management:
Site Self Assessment and Student Acknowledgment of Risks
Waiver of Liability, Promise Not to Sue, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Pay Claims
e. Complete a written summary of the internship site, retain the summary, and make the summary available for review. The summary shall include the following:
i. Evaluation of the potential for the internship site to provide an educationally appropriate experience and environment.
ii. Evaluation of the potential for student academic experience and its relationship of the student's academic study.
iii. Identification of the potential risks of the internship site. This may require a site visit, which may be bypassed if the department can demonstrate and document sufficient knowledge of the internship site. This could be accomplished through online review, published materials, or direct contact with the site. The visit may also be bypassed if the site does not pose an increased risk relative to the campus (e.g., an office or computer laboratory).
iv. Conduct annual review of the internships, both for educational purposes and for safety of the students. This review should take into account information gathered from on-site supervisors, faculty, university staff, and student experience.
v. Identification of an appropriate individual from the host organization to supervise the student at an internship site.
vi. Selection criteria and basic skills required of the student.
vii. Signed agreement of internship site to meet campus expectations, including internship site's and campus's role in the internship, student responsibilities, non-discrimination practices, anti-harassment policies, and accommodation of special needs.
f. Provide a plan to accommodate any students with special needs. For assistance, contact the Disability Resource Center.
g. Institute a procedure for orienting students before beginning an internship, which shall include the following:
i. A student orientation that includes conduct expectations, health and safety instructions, and emergency contacts.
ii. Student emergency contact form to be completed. If the internship placement is not required as part of the student's academic program, the student must complete the liability waiver form.
iii. Learning agreement form signed by the student, internship site supervisor and university representative. The form addresses the work to be provided by the student, the learning outcomes, and the placement logistics (including hours and pay). A sample Internship Learning Agreement Outline is provided here.
h. Retain above documents (3.d-f and 3.g.ii-iii) related to each internship for three years and in a manner consistent with university and system guidelines. Electronic copies are permissible.
4. Responsibilities of the College
a. Designate internship coordinator responsible for implementation, compliance, and reporting of this policy.
b. Evaluate risk using the written summary of the internship site.
c. Ensure departmental compliance with this internship policy.
5. Responsibilities of Academic Programs and Planning
a. Post and maintain this campuswide internship policy.
Academic Senate Resolution: AS-804-15 "Resolution on Cal Poly Internship Policy" (PDF). Approved 30 June 2015.
Cal Poly Administration & Finance: Risk Management: "University Waiver of Liability & Release Agreement".
California State University Executive Order: EO 1031 "Systemwide Records Information Retention and Disposition Schedules Implementation Policy". 27 February 2008.
California State University Executive Order: EO 1051 "Use of Approved Release of Liability". 1 September 2010.
California State University Executive Order: EO 1064 "Student Internships". 9 September 2011.
Revised 1/7/2025