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Course Numbers

On this page, you can find the course numbering system for the quarter system.  For the semester system to begin in Fall 2026, please see the Q2S "Semester Course Numbering" page here.

Course Numbering System

Courses are generally numbered according to the plan shown below.
Course # Course Type
010-099 Non-degree credit or short courses
100-299 Courses primarily for freshman and sophomore students
300-399 Courses primarily for advanced undergraduate students with prerequisite coursework
400-499 Courses for advanced undergraduates. Certain 400-level courses can be used in graduate programs.
500-599 Graduate courses.
800-899 Continuing Education units (CEU)

Common Course Numbers & Identifiers

Courses typically identified by a special character or set of numbers:
Character or Number Course Type
P Open University courses offered through Continuing Education for academic credit
S Special/Summer Session courses offered through Continuing Education for academic credit
E Extension courses of regular (academic?) courses offered through Continuing Education for academic credit
200 Special Problems for Undergraduates
400 Special Problems for Advanced Undergraduates
461,462 Senior Project
470, 471 Selected Advanced Topics (470) and Laboratories (471) are offered for one or two quarters and are not intended for future offerings as a regular course.
570, 571 Selected Advanced Topics (570) and Laboratories (571) are graduate-level topics offered for one or two quarters and are not intended for future offerings as a regular course
485, 585 Cooperative Education (part-time)
495, 595 Cooperative Education (full-time)
500 Individual Study
598 Project
599 Thesis

Last updated: 6/29/2023

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