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New Courses

  1. Proposals for new courses are developed by faculty and then submitted to the department head on a Course Proposal form (see Propose a New Course in the Curriculum Handbook on the Registrar's website).
  2. Department chair/head reviews and forwards the proposal to department curriculum committee for review and recommendation, and then he/she forwards the proposal, with a recommendation, to the college dean and college curriculum committee.
  3. College curriculum committee reviews the course proposal and forwards the proposal, with a recommendation, to the College Dean.
  4. College dean reviews the proposal and forwards the proposal, with his/her recommendation, to Office of the Registrar for review.
  5. Department forwards Course Proposal (with revisions, as determined by Office of the Registrar) to Academic Senate Curriculum Committee (ASCC) for review.
  6. ASCC forwards recommendation on the Course Proposal to Academic Senate.
  7. Academic Senate forwards recommendation to the President.
  8. New courses appear in the Cal Poly catalog.


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San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 

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