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American Institutions Requirement (Title 5, Section 40404)

The American Institutions graduation requirement, as mandated in Title 5, Section 40404, requires that students satisfactorily complete a minimum of one course in United States History, the U.S. Constitution, the operation of representative democratic government under the Constitution, and the process of California state and local government.

CSU Executive Order 1061 delegates authority to campus Presidents as to how to meet the requirement. At Cal Poly, the American Institutions course requirement is incorporated into the General Education program (Area D1).


California State University Executive Order: EO 1061 "Graduation Requirements in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals" (website).  23 August 2011.  

California Code of Regulations: Title 5 Section 40404 "Requirements in United States History, Constitution and American Ideals" (website).  5 May 2023.  

Last updated: 5/25/2023

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