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Retention of Exams, Graded Coursework, and Gradebook

Final exams and final graded coursework shall be retained by faculty for one year after course completion. The course gradebook shall be retained for five years after course completion. Midterm exams and other assessed materials not retrieved by students during the term shall be retained until the end of the following term. The end of term is defined as the day grades are due for that term as set by the Registrar’s Office. In all cases, either digital or physical retention of materials and records is permissible.


Academic Senate Resolution: AS-932-22 "Resolution on Updating Retention of Exam and Gradebook Policy" (PDF).  Adopted 22 February 2022; replaced course materials retention policies outlined in AS-800-15 "Resolution on Modification of Retention of Exams Policy".

Last updated: 8/17/23

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