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Academic Program Review

The current standards for Cal Poly program review were provided by Academic Senate Resolution AS-845-18 "Resolution on Academic Program Review," which was adopted in March 2018.

Periodic program review is required of all programs in the California State University system.  (See AP 71-32 "Performance Review of Existing Degree Major Programs," revised March 2023.)  Program review is also an essential component of the requirements of Cal Poly's institutional accreditor, the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).  (See the 2023 WSCUC Standards: CFR 2.4, CFR 4.1, and CFR 4.3).

Elements common to these requirements are: a regular, systematic, and institution-wide program review process; a faculty-developed self-study and report; an external peer review including a site visit and report; and development and implementation of a strategic action plan with annual updates.  For more information on Cal Poly's academic program review processes, please see the Academic Programs and Planning "About Program Review" SharePoint page.


California State University Policy: AP 71-32 "Performance Review of Existing Degree Major Programs". Revised 6 March 2023.

Academic Senate Resolution: AS-552-00/IALA "Resolution on Academic Program Review" (PDF).  Adopted 21 November 2000.

Academic Senate Resolution: AS-718-10 "Resolution on Modification to Academic Program Review Procedures" (PDF).  Adopted 26 October 2010.

Academic Senate Resolution: AS-845-18 "Resolution on Academic Program Review" (PDF).  Adopted 6 March 2018.

WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) Handbook of AccreditationRevised 2023.

Updated: 5/16/2024

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