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Exceptions to Scheduling Class Time Conflicts


Students may not enroll in two classes that meet at the same time without the approval of all affected faculty, the student’s home department or area chair, and the student’s home college dean or representative.

Possible Exceptions

Faculty are encouraged to use the below “Possible Exceptions for Scheduling Class Time Conflicts” as a guideline for approving class time conflicts:


  • Music ensemble courses (examples from the 2013-15 catalog include MU 170 and MU 370).
  • Courses that do not meet at their regularly scheduled times (examples from the 2013-15 catalog include senior project courses, POLS 111, SCM 150).
  • Students who have registered for a course with a lecture/laboratory combination, but who have already passed the laboratory component of the course (so-called "ghost labs") and have a time conflict with the scheduled laboratory time.
  • Students who have registered for a course with a lecture/laboratory combination and have a time conflict with the schedule laboratory time, but who can complete the laboratory component with another section of the course.
  • Undergraduate students who, in order to facilitate graduation, have no other option, are within three quarters of graduation, and, in the process, do not circumvent other University policies, procedures, or deadlines.
  • Graduate students who, in order to facilitate graduation, have no other option, and, in the process, do not circumvent other University policies, procedures, or deadlines.


The Academic Senate Instruction Committee is responsible for revisions to the above guidelines, subject to the approval of the Academic Senate Executive Committee.

Source:  Academic Senate Resolution AS-789-15 Resolution on Exceptions to Scheduling Class Time Conflicts

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